Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Weekly Recap {11/21/2012 - Happy Thanksgiving!}

7th grade art classes are wrapping up their celebrity grid paintings in 2D & ceramic coil mugs in 3D. This shortened week put a crunch on time, but everyone did a good job taking on the challenge! I'm impressed at all the hard work and talent these classes displayed.

{I just got the new iPhone 5 and I've been experimenting with the camera. As you can see, the panorama option does a wonderful job at capturing a focused art class!}

{Image of the Week}
Here is a photo of Jackson Pollock, Lee Krasner, and Stella Pollock carving a turkey in 1950!

For everyone that will be traveling, whether it be across the street or across the country. Travel safe, take car, and have a happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Personal Artwork Post

Sometimes students ask me if what kind of artwork I like to do. Honestly, creating is always fun for me, but I really enjoy portraits... a lot of times I find inspiration in popular culture. Movies, television, internet, etc. Here are some of the things I've created.

Watercolor Pop Tart Cat
Charlie HunnamRon Perlman

Norman Reedus

Cold on Mars, DFTBA

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Playing Catch Up

This past nine weeks were crazy! Lots of changes in the district and preparing for changes at the state level has put a lot of paper work on my desk and less time to update the blog. So I'm doing a haphazard photo dump. Here are some of the students and projects from the last nine weeks!


  {Can you see the resemblance?}